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We utilize the latest Microsoft technoology to develop web based applications. Run your custom app from any computer connected to the Internet.

Microsoft SQL Server

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We utilize the robust Microsoft database engine to store and retrieve your web and desktop app data.

Microsoft Visual FoxPro

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Is widely known for its speed, power and flexibility for desktop apps.

Our Recommendation

Don't change the way you do business just to make your off-the-shelf software work.

Instead have Vincent & Co. develop software for you that conforms with the way YOU run your business.


We have written applications for all types of businesses such as manufacturing, data processing, laboratories, medical billing, import/export, higher education, U.S. Postal Service, and others. Some of the programs we have written include tracking, scheduling, billing, accounting, data collection, automatic emailing and faxing, barcoding, and much more.

These applications have enabled our customers to significantly improve work flow and meet time constraints.

Click below for a more detailed list of software applications we have developed for customers.


Free Consultation

Your initial consulation is free. Let us sit down with you and discuss what your business is about and what kind of software application or applications would work best for you.


Contact Information

Telephone: 619-563-7800
Address: 4337 N. Talmadge Dr.
  San Diego, CA 92116


Remote Support: Click here to start support session XP
  Click here to start support session Win7